QR-Code message


Now download mobile decoding program, you can always use our Web site information using a mobile phone! And the web page for the phone will automatically adjust for easy viewing !

[How to install QR code Reader]
Q: Will my phone not QR code Reader where you want to download?
A: Please select phone system you are using:
1 Use iPhone series phone to itune can search for "i-nigma" to download free software.
2 mobile phones using the Android system, to the market can search for "Barcode Scanner" to download free software.
(3) the use of other brands of mobile phones, several can be downloaded from the website under:
      3.1 Mobile Installation: use the phone to connect to the "http://www.i-nigma.mobi/" or "http://reader.kaywa.com/getit" free download, to pay the cost of the network connection.
      3.2 installed on the computer: Use the "http://reader.kaywa.com/getit", "http://www.quickmark.com.tw" (Chinese page) to download the registration process in accordance with each site, and then through a cable, Bluetooth , infrared and other devices, select a transfer to your phone.

※ Each site QR code Reader Supported phones are different.
